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3rd Armored Rifle Battalion, 50th Infantry

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:23 pm
by Jim Sheppard
The history of the 50th Infantry Regiment continues to reveal itself to this Historian. Much of what happened to the various 50th Infantry Designations in the 1950's is a mystery...NOT covered at all in "official" government heraldry finding these details is always a surprise. I try to monitor the internet...and many "leads" have come from, believe it or not, eBay auction pages! I am hoping to win a coffee mug currently up for bid. (PLEASE do not bid and drive up the price...or we won't stand a chance of getting this piece of regimental history for our Association Archives)

I visited the Wildflecken Veteran's web site and learned the following about our Regiment's 3rd ARB:

Re: 3rd Armored Rifle Battalion, 50th Infantry

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:35 am
by woodalljg
I was stationed in Germany 1951-54 with the 41st Armd Inf Bn, 2nd Armd Div. My battalion spent some time in the training area at Wildflecken. At that time, the 373rd Armd Inf Bn was stationed there. It was an all-black battalion until the army in Europe was integrated in 1953. The 373rd AIB was redesigned the 3rd Bn, 50th Infantry in 1953. Google 373rd Armd Inf Bn for more information.
Jim Woodall

Re: 3rd Armored Rifle Battalion, 50th Infantry

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:29 pm
by Jim Sheppard

I believe the 373rd is mentioned on the website I linked. I'm still trying to get to the Archives for that information for you. With all the nasty weather we are having, I had to cancel a trip last Friday. They do close NARA when it I have to be careful not to spend money for a trip that will be a bust. I didn't forget you though. Actually, I have a lot to do at the archives when I do get there. I may even go for a week after I start my Social Security in April.

By the way, the 3rd ARB mug I hope to win later today on eBay has a name on it: LTC O'Brien. I'm hoping I get it...there are no bids & I have my robot sniper tool set to bid at the last second.

Re: 3rd Armored Rifle Battalion, 50th Infantry

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:50 pm
by woodalljg
Maybe if it keeps snowing the clowns in Washington will not have a chance to spend more of our money. Maybe it will keep snowing until the next election when we can vote the rascals out. I am looking forward to whatever information you can find for me.
Jim Woodall

Re: 3rd Armored Rifle Battalion, 50th Infantry

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:35 pm
by estespapa
When I arrived in Wildflecken on December 03, 1957, my unit was "D" Company, 373rd Armored Infantry Battalion. Some time after the first of the year in 1958 the "word" was that the 373rd was rotating back to the States. I believe it was April of that year a battalion formation was held. The 373rd colors were hauled down and 3rd ARB, 50th Infantry colors were hoisted.

I remained at Wildflecken until late May of 1960 and the 3rd ARB of the 50th was still there.

Don Mansfield