Tape Recording Lo Dieu

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Tape Recording Lo Dieu

Postby DickG » Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:13 pm

I think it was in late Nov when B Company did a rare NIGHT Combat assault on the coastal village of Lo Dieu (1) up north of the crescent.
There was an informant in the ville and sure enough, a load of NVA as promised. The lift birds put our first platoon in to the wrong place and most of the NVA got out of town before we could close the cordon.
Late afternoon we did a false extraction and then lay low outside of town, sending out ambushes.
It wasn't long before Drew Shipley's ambush patrol sighted a large number of NVA moving north along a trail. We engaged with artillery and eventually had Naval Gunfire, all levels of Arty, Lightening bug all joining in. It was a very exciting event, and we had no casualties, but inflicted many, many.
Brother Brantley of B Company was on the radio coordinating the fires, and got pretty excited. Someone back with the rest of the company recorded his radio transmissions. I remember listening to the tape later back at UPLIFT. Just great.
Does anyone have that tape? Know who made it?
I'd be most grateful for a copy.
Dick Guthrie
Copper poster
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:40 am

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