Passing of Another Brother, Keith LaRue

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Passing of Another Brother, Keith LaRue

Postby tomndianm2 » Wed Oct 03, 2018 9:49 pm

Sorry to have to post this but we have lost another brother of Keith LaRue, 10/03/2018. He served with A company in Vietnam and went through Basic, AIT and other training at Fr. Hood and was with us on the our voyage by boat to Vietnam. He ended up in the past few weeks with a blood disorder from a little puncture wound from a bite from a new puppy he and Berni had just gotten. His Liver and Kidneys shut down while in the hospital in California. We are all saddened with this loss. He came to his first reunion for the last two and stated he would never miss another one. I have no details of anything further. I will put any further updates on my site on Facebook and on here. Please keep his wife Berni and his family in your Prayers. RIP Brother, Fallen but never Forgotten
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Re: Passing of Another Brother, Keith LaRue

Postby mick hawkins » Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:08 am

So sorry to hear about Keith's passing. RIP brother.

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Re: Passing of Another Brother, Keith LaRue

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:35 pm

Details to come but as of now and for anyone wishing to make travel arrangements, Keith's services will be held on Friday, October 12th at 10am, St. Timothy's Catholic Church in Laguna Niguel, CA. He loved wearing his Hawaiian shirts and the family is requesting that attire be reflective of that - something tropical and bright.
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Re: Passing of Another Brother, Keith LaRue

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Apr 16, 2019 1:45 pm

Final details on Keith LaRue's Burial at Arlington are set. Following is a note from his wife about the arrangements:

"It's come to my attention that some of the details we already know have not been passed along in this group. Here is the info as it stands now: The Memorial Service will be at 2 PM on Friday, August 2nd. We have to have our own vehicles to go to the gravesite, and we have to be in front of the Administration Bldg at Arlington National Cemetery by 1:15. At this point we still haven't made any hotel reservations yet, and I may try and get a group rate from somewhere close by. I will also attempt to find a place to have a reception following the ceremony. From what I understand, the service takes about 15 minutes, Since it will be hot and humid, I think that's a good thing. Even though typical dress code for funerals are suits, and wearing black...Keith never accepted that! Consequently, dress code will be Hawaiian shirts, sport shirts, casual pants, no jeans. For women, sundresses, slacks, probably dressing in hot weather church clothes would work. The men in our family will be wearing Hawaiian shirts...those were all Keith ever wore!! As always, if you have any questions, please let me know...either here or IM me." is hotel information and details on a gathering after the service:

"Update: I'm staying at the Hilton Garden Inn Arlington/Courthouse Plaza, which is .7 of a mile away from Arlington. That will be where most of my family is staying. I'm arriving Wednesday evening and leaving Sunday. Keith's brother Chris and his wife Pat are staying there as well. I'm sorry but there were no group rates we could guarantee. That is also where we will be having a reception following the funeral service for everyone attending the memorial. As I get more information, I'll pass it along. If you have any questions, please Instant Message me if you have any questions."
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