Auto-log in / other tips

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Auto-log in / other tips

Postby RJ_Smith » Wed May 27, 2009 1:43 pm

Hi everyone, just a tip, when you log in you'll see a box that says:
"Log me on automatically each visit"

If you check this you won't need to re-log in when you come back to the board.

If you click "Board Index" at the top of the page, you'll see a link for "view new posts." This will show only posts since your last visit. Any topic with a little orange symbol:
Image <--- symbol
Has new posts.

Or, when a post is made in a topic it will also pop back to the top of the list, so you can just keep an eye on the top and you'll be good.
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Re-sizing text

Postby RJ_Smith » Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:16 pm

Hello, there has been a couple comments that the board text is too big, or that not a lot of posts fit on the screen like the old board. Keep in mind you can change the text size in Internet Explorer or FireFox web browsers. There's menu options to do this, but there's also a shortcut:

Hold the CTRL key and scroll the mouse wheel.

This is a quick way to increase/decrease the text size on any website. Works in IE and FireFox. If your mouse doesn't have a mouse wheel, holding control and using the + or - key does the same thing :mrgreen: .
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