Scam email - "Chloe" cancer donations are SPAM!

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Scam email - "Chloe" cancer donations are SPAM!

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:19 pm

Myself and quite a few members received emails soliciting donations for a supposed association member's daughter Chloe Depp. There is currently no one associated with us with the last name Depp...and we certainly did not endorse solicitations which obviously used our email address page.

Any time funds are should immediately become suspect of fraud. I have contacted most of our board of officers and most also received the email...but know of no one by that name. Regardless, something of that nature would likely not be endorsed here without complete disclosure of the principles involved and their exact relationship to our association.

Jim Sheppard, Historian/Archivist, Website Administrator.
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Jim Sheppard
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