REUNION 2017 - Ft. Benning Federal ID Requirements

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REUNION 2017 - Ft. Benning Federal ID Requirements

Postby RJ_Smith » Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:05 am

Posting this as a top (sticky) thread, from info posted by Gary Quint. Per Gary -- if you ride the reunion buses to and fro this will NOT be an issue.

Information on accepted IDs for entering Ft. Benning:

Info as of 2/20/17 (check Benning link above for up-to-date info):
Effective immediately, driver licenses and identification cards from the states of Kentucky, Maine, *Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, *Washington, and the territory of American Samoa do not comply with the REAL ID Act and can no longer be used as the sole source for access to Fort Benning. New Mexico received an extension, so driver’s licenses and ID cards from the state are acceptable for access to Fort Benning.
*Enhanced driver licenses from Minnesota and Washington are compliant.
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