Thanksgiving 2016

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Thanksgiving 2016

Postby lewis2505 » Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:32 am

Myself, LTC Baltazar & our Battalion XO, MAJ Purcell, along with the Company Commanders, First Sergeants and Senior Drill Sergeants from 1-50 IN served Thanksgiving chow to almost 1100 Trainees of 1-50 IN on Thursday at our Dining Facility (DFAC). We were also honored to have the Maneuver Center of Excellence and Fort Benning Commanding General, MG Wesley and his Chief of Staff, COL Cole, and the 198th BDE Commander and CSM, COL Kendrick and CSM Haynie, serve chow to our Soldiers, as well as CPT(R) Jay Copley & his lovely wife Wilfreda enjoying the Thanksgiving meal with us

Happy Holidays from Fort Benning & looking forward to next year's Reunion!


CSM Chris Lewis

Bayonet 6 & 7 with Jay & Wilfreda Copley
Copley.jpg (123.45 KiB) Viewed 14842 times
CSM Chris Lewis
HQs, 1st BN, 50th IN, 198th IN BDE
Fort Benning, GA 31905
C: (910) 988-3703
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