Bravo Company brothers

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Bravo Company brothers

Postby kenr17331 » Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:50 pm


Not sure how many Bravo Company brothers view the message board; however, I have just met with Eliot Dresher's (from bravo Company) son and he would like to hear from anyone who remembers his dad from Nam. Please contact me and I will pass on his information.


Ken Riley
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Re: Bravo Company brothers

Postby DickG » Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:21 pm

Eliot Dresher was at the Las Vegas reunion. I well remember talking with him about Howie Pontuck and other folks. Your records from that time may provide a contact address for the son.
I don't have a lot of specific information to tell him about his dad, but I'd be more than happy for you to pass my address to him.
Dick Guthrie
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