my award for hearing was 50%

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my award for hearing was 50%

Postby john nichols » Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:36 pm

i"ll go into the reason i got so much shortly. most important is Jim Sheppard post a year ago about file a claim online. i tried to do this for 2 months. I"m bad on computers i was always starting over so i called the VA and asks them if they could help me . the guy i spoke to said come out see him it would take a couple minutes . he put in my claim for heart disease . then i told him how lost my hearing case and i filed my appeal 12 days late so i lost again. he said don't worry you'll get it this time. i think these young computer guys were put in there to get things done. i plan to go back and talk to him about my nerve problems with my arms and legs maybe i can get a 100%. on my hearing case i submitted a document from the motion pic. sound local when a took a honorably withdrawal in 1987 i was doing sound and film work at this time i was only working with sound that had been approved buy some one else i was never going to be able to create new sound. so i went in to video tape it was going to be better for me in the long run. i gave the VA that 1987 doc. from motion pic. and a copy of my soc. sec. income showing a lost of income for the next 3 years. so i got 10% for tinnitus and 40% for bilateral hearing loss .
john nichols
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