Memorial Day

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Memorial Day

Postby harley hawkins » Thu May 26, 2011 6:47 pm

For many of us Memorial day is the begining of Summer. I hope we will remember the men and women that gave up thier summers for us to enjoy ours.
We should remember the families that lost loved ones fighting for our country . They should have our deepest gratitude and repect and a big thanks to all for their service.

May God Bless You All

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: Memorial Day

Postby George Borges » Sat May 28, 2011 10:19 am

Memorial Day means to me , remembering all our fallen service men . I always say a silent prayer for them , for the everything they gave for our great U.S.of A. Bless them all and all our veterans and everyone now serving. enjoy your Mermoial Day George Borges
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