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Postby gwenr46 » Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:44 am

For those who were at the reunion, I would like to say Thank YOU for making this another memorable reunion of the 1st/50th unit. For those who missed it, I hope you will begin making plans to join us in 2 years for the next Ft Benning reunion in 2013. The host hotel, Wingate by Wyndham was very hospitable. Thanks go to all of those who worked so hard to make this reunion a success...Jim Segars, Gary Quint, Tom Clark, John Topper, and many many more who have spent countless hours making certain that everything came together seamlessly. (OH, and let us not forget their spouses!!)

Congrats are extended to Jay Copley on his belated receipt of a Distinguished Service Cross for his actions in Vietnam on May 5th, 1968. For those who were in attendance for the presentation, it was stunning and a well-deserved honor for Captain Copley. Also, I would like to congratulate Jim Fitzgerald for his actions as a medic during his tour in Vietnam. At the Uchee Creek BBQ banquet, Jim was awarded a medal (again, a belated honor) for his heroics in saving the life of a fellow comrade.

The itinerary was packed with lots of Ft Benning activities as well as 2 different visits to the National Infantry Museum. We observed a 'turning blue' ceremony, attended a very emotional memorial service at the 1st/50th headquarters for the fallen comrades of the unit (with family members of the fallen in attendance), attended a 'Rangers in Action' action show of skills that was held prior to the graduation of a large group of Rangers, visited the Infantry Museum where we were allowed to tour all open exhibits, observed the well-attended ceremony which honored Jay Copley at Patriot Field (with distinguished guests in attendance and the Army band playing before, during and after) and even the reception held in the Heritage Room inside the National Infantry Museum in honor of Jay Copley!!

The 1st/50th unit has been relocated at Ft Benning and is now occupying their brand new office headquarters and training facilities/barracks. For those who may not know, the memorials were relocated to the new hill top headquarters and are now placed appropriately in front of the headquarters entry way, on the top of the hill. The view from atop this hill is spectacular and overlooks 4 beautiful new barracks and the new 'state of the art' mess hall. We were allowed to tour the barracks and everyone agreed that they are, indeed, a grand improvement over the old WWII barracks that all of you guys occupied during your basic training days. The barracks will accommodate 60 soldiers (although they said usually there are 52-55 soldiers) in one common sleeping area and had tall lockers along the wall behind the bunk beds. The toilet area was clean (even us women would use them) and the showers were semi-private. There was a large covered training area outside the barracks to allow soldiers to be in formation or exercise even during inclement weather/rain/heat, etc. The mess hall was 'state of the art' as I said earlier and served hot and cold foods with lots of variety available. They even had an ice cream dispenser and several fountain drink dispensers filled with powerade and water. The most unique feature of the dining hall was the 'dishwashing/cleanup' area. This is totally automated...all the soldier has to do is remove their drinking glass from the tray, place it upside down in a divided tray and then place their dinner tray onto a moving conveyor belt type holder, which had several vertical tray holders, which was constantly moving. The tray would be carried to another area, separated by food, utensils, etc and cleaned/washed. You just had to see it to understand but it was very unique and obviously a very practical way to handle the mass cleanup required by the Army.

The ladies/spouses of the 1st/50th members has gotten together and we will be working on a 'Ladies Auxiliary' group. We will be allowed to have a 'ladies corner' in the newsletter and we plan to have 'ladies' activities planned, both during reunions and at other times as well. Our main objective is to give the ladies something to channel our pride of our men...we hope to be part of "Weathes across America", an activity held at Arlington National Cemetery in December each year, in which donated wreathes are laid upon the graves of the veterans who have given their life for their country. We also plan to send 'care' packages to soldiers (of the 1st/50th, if possible) who are serving overseas. If you guys will, pass this info on to your spouses, and watch for further info on this as the group evolves. I foresee this becoming a huge part of the 1st/50th reunions and activities. Thanks to Loretta Segars for her work on these projects!!

OK< I guess I have said enough about this reunion. I would like to thank EVERYONE who helped to make this reunion such a great one, whether you were a member, guest, new member, first time attender, or the one who spent so much time working to make it the success I saw it to be. Hope to see everyone next year (in San Antonio, if Ken gets us some info) or at the next Ft Benning reunion in 2013. Thanks for allowing me to be part of such a fantastic group of people!! Love you all!!! Gwen Rainwater
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Postby gwenr46 » Sun May 01, 2011 12:27 pm

Additional note: Bob Wuestenberg was the name of the soldier whom Jim Fitzgerald saved in Vietnam....and he was in attendance at the 2011 Reunion. :)
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