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Postby harley hawkins » Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:07 pm

It is with sorrow that I must report I will not be able to attend this year's reunion. I thought for sometime I would be able to make it but now know I can not be there.

I have awaited two yers for this reunion, so it sad's me to no end that I can not be there. It looks to me like this one will be the best of all and the worst is not getting to see all my friends some of whom I knew in the service and some I have meet at the reunions.

Jay Copley award and hearing Chaplain Claude Newby will be splendid events. The Wreath laying is always heartwarming and the Sacred Soil Ceremony I know will be also, as we remember those who gave all.

John Topper again has done a great job and thanks to R.J. Smith for his help with the web site. Thank you so much to our officers Jim Segars, Ron Leraas, Chuck McLeer, Jim Sheppard, Parker Pierce and Gary Quint and to all of you I will truly miss not being there this year.

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: Reunion

Postby mill » Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:05 pm

I'm sorry to hear this Harley as I looked forward to seeing you again this year as I missed last year. I pray that it is nothing serious. Take care old friend!
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Re: Reunion

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:45 am

Reunion starts for me in 1/2 hour! I am jumping in the shower and hitting the road at 6 AM. 1st stop: Charlotte, arrive in Columbus Easter Sunday afternoon. Monday I will coordinate the Archives Room Setup and hope to be all set up by Tuesday and Registration!

Disapointed in many of our Florida friends who still have not made a reunion. They don't know what they are missing....and only half a days drive! Still time to change your minds and call in sick for next week! ~grin~

I Can be reached on my cell & will respond to e-mail tonight & after arrival in Columbus.
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Re: Reunion

Postby Bob Bihari » Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:25 am

Jim; Though I will only be able to stay for one day, I've already made reservations @ the Host Hotel for the evening of the 27th and will have to leave shortly after Jay Copley's Award ceremony.
I've emailed Fred Maida numerous times (Jay's driver on 5/5/68), and he will be there for the ceremony also, so I guess we'll hold up the Florida flag for you guys 8-)

See you then....
A Company '68. WIA An Bao

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Re: Reunion

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:16 pm

Didn't mean you are giving us a shot!...and I know you'll both want to come back for the whole deal in 2 years. See you Wednesday night. If you get in before 5 PM...we'll see if we can get you on the bus for the BBQ...if not, we'll see you when we all get back (Likely between 8 & 9PM)
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Re: Reunion

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:25 pm

Not only am I at the Wingate early, Bill Mims and Joe Torres are also early birds!

My fears that the archives room might be a problem proved the staff proved to be extremely accomodating. I have just finished setting up! Now I can relax until the festivities begin on Tuesday.

See you all soon!

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Re: Reunion

Postby gwenr46 » Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:38 am

Don and I will be headed that way this afternoon (Tuesday) looks like we will be bringing some nasty tornadic weather with us. At least Wednesday activities are all indoors because it is going to be a pretty stormy day too...WELCOME to the SOUTH!! I know Roger Burch, his wife Lorene and her mother are driving in this nasty weather too. Hope everyone is able to travel and arrive safely!!!..............c y'all tonite!
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