Norm Poage

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Norm Poage

Postby Harry Wilson » Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:15 pm

For those of you with the unit from Sept. 67 to April 68, Norm was a squad leader, then platoon leader up for a battlefield commission with Charlie Company, and a battalion legend. He is one of the original founders of this Association and this website. Ask Ken Riley. Norm has just finished hip surgery and is OK. He has more surgery for cataracts coming up. Not real good. All a result of VN service. Prayers and thoughts are welcone. Contact me for addressess. Harry Wilson
Harry Wilson
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Re: Norm Poage

Postby JTilley » Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:55 pm

I'm glad to hear he made it through ok. Hopefully everything else will turn out good as well.
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