Change of Command - 2010

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Change of Command - 2010

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:40 pm

Our small 50th Infantry Association group enjoyed the Change of Command Ceremony at Fort Benning on Tuesday, June 15th. Jimmie Segars made a presentation to outgoing CO LTC Benitez. Present were Jimmie & Loretta Segars, John Topper, Dick Guthrie, Jay Copley, Toby Jordan, Jim Sheppard and a few other family and friends.

The ceremony was held in scorching 100 degree heat & humidity...reminding us why we try to have our reunions in the spring!...and tentative plans are being made for the first week in May of 2011 for our next Association reunion. Dick Guthrie, John Topper and Jim Sheppard began talks with Michelle Spivey about Accomodations and events for the reunion.

We welcomed LTC Mike Hastings as the new 1st Battalion, 50th Infantry Commanding Officer & got a tour of the brand new Battalion Complex a few clicks NW of the old Treadwell Barracks. This site boasts some tremendous improvements...including the largest mess hall in the U.S. military!
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Jim Sheppard
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