May 3

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May 3

Postby hess » Mon May 03, 2010 8:29 am

Today is May 3rd, as I sit as an old guy in Kabul, Afghanistan, as a contractor. I watch the young men and women move about the city in armored vehicle that are strange to to me--a different war. I remember as a young man watching LZ Betty explode on this date, and hope that none of them ever have to live the rest of their lives remembering any of their friends the way many of us remember ours past comrades--I pray they all have a chance to live their lives to the fullest without feelings of sadness. Please remember all of those who died on this date, and all of those whose names are on the assured, the men and women fighting this war are the best of the best...Dave Hess
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Re: May 3

Postby Frenchy » Thu May 06, 2010 5:52 pm

The May Day Offensive no one ever heard of !!!!

Its interesting to think that no one ever heard of the May Day Offensive that took place from May 1st to May 4th 1970. The comunist had planned a series of attacks to coincide with all the anti war protest that were taking place back in the states.
A month earlier we had invaded Cambodia, Lt Calley and My Lai were font page news both in the states and Vietnam. 77
Bases were attack that week end. 76 US soldiers lost thier lives and God knows how many more were wounded. The base that took the heaviest attack was LZ Betty. 7 kia, 36 wounded.
Before the news of the attacks hit the states the national gaurd had killed students at Kent State. I believe this did more to fuel the anti war movement than the May Day offensive could have. And I hope and pray for those on both sides who were affected by this tragity.
I have appriciated all the sapport and sharing that has come about over the years. And even to this day I am still getting
e-mail from our brothers who just now have come on board and have figured out how to use the internet. 40 years later
I still awake at 1:45am on May 3rd. I still can here the guy on the radio say " good morning Vietnam its now 1:45am " and
then the shit hit the fan. I am still trying to piece it all together. All the signs were there but know one connected th dots.
I remeber it as if it was today, and my prayers still go out to all of you who were there, to those who paid the ultimate sacrfice, to the families and friends
I also want to send a prayer to the family of Red Aaron B-Co who died May 5th after hitting a land mine. To this day it feels strange to realise that we all had the chance to partake in the making of history . Good or bad we gave it all we had.

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