My twin Brother- Spec 4 Douglas W. Decker

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My twin Brother- Spec 4 Douglas W. Decker

Postby Decker » Sat Feb 27, 2010 5:24 pm

Dear troopers,

My twin brother,Douglas W. Decker was 11B in 1/50th Mechanized Infantry in Phan Thiet, from Oct 1969 to Oct. 1970.
He talked about whiskey mountain outpost. He went thru basic at Fort Campbell in Feb 1969, then Fort Polk and then to NCO training at Ft. Benning. He was about 5'9'' tall, wt. 135 lbs when in country, and had brown eyes and hair. I have films of him there and many picture I will give to your association. I would like to hear from anyone who knew him or served with his unit during this time. You can reach me at: or call me at 419 474-0992.
I live in Toledo, Ohio. Doug was on tracks, helicopters and by foot. He used 50 cal and m-60 along with m16 and 1911 45 that he only got to use on large rats. He didn't ever talk about his war time experiences before he died.
Thank you for any responses. I know it may still be difficult for you to even talk about Viet Nam, but I would love to hear from you just the same. I have many letters from Doug from Viet Nam and I hope to read them and gain some history from them and any names he may have mentioned. He has many poems he wrote also. I see there is a place to post poems, but how about letters from Viet Nam?

De Oppressor Liber

David C. Decker Sgt. Medic 10th Special Forces.

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Re: My twin Brother- Spec 4 Douglas W. Decker

Postby Decker » Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:05 pm

One more thing, my brother was in company B 1/50th mech. infant. 1st field force, phan thiet, LZ Betty.
I hope that helps. He was out in field sometime in early nov 1969 and they lost 1-3 men with 3-4 wounded in his first few days out in field, one of the men who came over with Doug, KIA, after only a few days in field.
okay, out.
David C. Decker,
Doug's twin brother.
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Re: My twin Brother- Spec 4 Douglas W. Decker

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Mar 01, 2010 7:29 am

The KIA was likely Robert Allen McMillin...badly wounded in "Stitts woods" & died of his wounds on November 7th. We do not yet have the date of the incident nailed down, but Our member, Dave Haag was there.
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Re: My twin Brother- Spec 4 Douglas W. Decker

Postby Decker » Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:14 pm

Poems by Douglas W. Decker
1/50th Mech Infantry Phan Thiet Nov 69 thru Nov 70 Company B
DOB July 8th, 1950 DOD Oct 17th. 1997 He died in the arms of his twin in the hospital where we were both born. I was older by two minutes so was there when he took his first breath on this planet and was there when he took his last breath.

When I came back from Viet Nam
I thought I'd sung the final song
I didn't think it'd take so long
To find out what really went wrong
I tried to cry those final tears
I didn't know how many years
It'd take to feel, to hear, to heal
The wounds were deep, so hard to feel
I pray to God for the final seal
Upon that time that seemed unreal.


We were Knights in Shining Armor

It was long ago or so it seems
But every night comes back in dreams
The sights, the sounds, the smell of Hate
Oh my God is it way too late
To right the wrong that must be done
To sing the song that must be sung
I thought it'd take a thousand years
To wash away a thousand tears
With you my Lord I'll find a way
If you will only let me stay
We know the battle to be done
We know that battle must be won.


Let's all play the game of life
Forget the hell forget the strife
There is a reason from above
For the meaning we call love
It seems so far it seems so near
If we could only stop the fear
For those who came from far below
That cannot see that do not know
That Light that comes from far above
That light that we all know is love
It shines for all to see below
That light that shines that runs the show.


Let's all play the game of life
Forget the hell, forget the strife
Now that we have just begun,
We know the battle to be won,
And if we try with all our might
We will not run, we won't take flight
Our time is now, to start the day
For now we know the only way
To find the light we look above
The anwser to the life called love
And when we find that golden ray
We must go on our chosen way.


I don't know what's going on,
I tried real hard to sing the song,
The days were short, the days were long,
I pray to God I''ll find what's wrong,
I've seen the world for a thousand years,
I just can't seem to find the tears
Oh Spirit from the sky above
Please guide me with your eternal love
I want to win the battle above
I want to learn the way of love
I thought it'd take a thousand years
To wash away a thousand tears
I'll see it to another day
If you will only let me stay
With you my Lord, we've just begun
To sing the song that must be sung.


He came upon a cloudless night.
He came to take away the fright.
On Christmas day God gave the one.
The one he called His only Son.
He came to show the world the way.
He showed the world the way to pray.
He said He'd come another day
He knew it'd be this time he'd stay
There would not be another way.
The plan complete upon this day.
he came to take away the clouds.
He left us with the living shroud.
He came, he cried, he lived, he died.
He told us abut the one who lied.
he seldom smiled, he often cried.
He did it for the chosen ones.
He did it so God's will was done
Because he is the only Son.
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Re: My twin Brother- Spec 4 Douglas W. Decker

Postby pchisam » Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:46 am

Dave -- I was with B/1/50 from June 1969 to May 1970 and then spent the last month as the S-3 Air. Sorry - but I don't recall your brother. Maybe I would recognize the name or be able to tell you about a film. I was the Company XO when I joined the Company at LZ Uplift in June 69 and moved the tracks to LZ Betty in August or early September. After the move, I took over as the 1st Platoon leader. I have a company rooster dated 1 March 70 showing your brother as part of the 4th Platoon.

In October 1969, B Company was operating along QL Alt8B in the vicinity of Ap Binh Lam. 1st Platoon was operating separate from the Company part of that time. I don't remember if the mortar platoon was with us. In late October, 4th Platoon had a stint manning the observation post on Whiskey Mountain in late November. I know the company ran a couple of CA during that time. The BN log says 2 & 3 platoon did a CA to when some rangers spotted some VC. I was in 1st Platoon but remember that CA well.

I don't remember any battles in November where we lost several people and had KIAs. Jim Sheppard mentioned Robert McMillian being a KIA near "Stitt Woods on Nov 7th. I had one person wounded by a mine near Stitt Woods. We dusted him off but I never got any info about the person.

In December, B Company was operating along QA1 north east of Phan Thiet. On 9 Dec 69, Rangers spotted 47 NVA and the company moved in and engaged the enemy. We always referred to this as the "Turkey Shoot" since we did not have any casualties & got a lot of kills Two days later, B Company had a contact where William Whitlach was killed and David Haag, 2nd Platoon leader, was wounded. My platoon was operating separate from the Company at them time but I know the entire Company, including Mortar Platoon was in the field so this may have been the time your brother was recalling. A couple of years ago, Dave Haag contacted me & three years ago I met Bob Camors (who was the company commander in Nov 69) at the Vietnam wall. This was the first time I learned the details of the engagement where Bill was killed and David Haag wounded.

I will ask Bob Camors if he recalls your brother. He is retired from the Army, a lawyer & running to be a Judge in California.

Ernie Grisdale was the Mortar Platoon leader -- he took over in ~Dec 69. I have not had any contact with him since leaving Vietnam and have never seen him connected with the association. I will send you an e-mail.
Phillip M (Mike) Chisam
B Company 1-50, Jun 69 - Jun 70
678-807-9239 Google Voice
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