Drew Shipley

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Drew Shipley

Postby Steve Howell » Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:31 pm

My name is Steve Howell and Drew Shipley was a friend of mine back in Oklahoma. His mother was also my math teacher and I happen to be in class the morning of her notification. The way I found you all was through the www.virtualwall and reading Drews profile. One thing led to the next on the internet and I found ichiban1. Dick Gutherie has e-mailed me a couple of times about what went down on Dec. 10th. A couple of questions if anyone knows. Was it Troung Lam (1) or Troung Lam (2) where Drew was killed? I've seen Troung Lam (1), (2), (3), and (4) on the maps but are they four seperate villages or what? I'm aware you all are looking for his sister, and me and another friend of mine who also knew Drew are looking for her at the present time. Hopefully we'll have some luck and get that picture you want for your site. If anyone has any info you can e-mail me at steven8howell@yahoo.com. I'm former Marine so Semper Fi fellas.
Steve Howell
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Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Jan 30, 2010 7:59 pm

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