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Postby Dan Neely » Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:39 pm

This time of year opens up a lot of memories and difficult times in our lives. We have made it to this point and have so many reasons to be thankful. So many of our friends and buddies left us way too early in life but still remain in our hearts and minds. As we sit around the various tables tomorrow and celebrate the day of Thanksgiving, let us pause for a moment and give thanks for our blessings and our families. Let us also consider and remember the families that gave so much to our country during the last forty some years.

Happy Thanksgiving to all and may God's blessings be on you and yours. Dan and Eileen
Dan Neely
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Re: Thanksgiving

Postby harley hawkins » Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:09 am

Well put Dan. Do you remember you, Bob Hall and myself on R&R together. I bet there wasn't many that went on R&R and went to church. That was a very interesting experience and so nice of the natives to treat us to dinner after.
Have a great thanksgiving dinner. My wife is calling me to dismatle the turkey and I need to start my sweet potato pie.

Mick Hawkins
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