Leon Walker

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Leon Walker

Postby jb19264 » Wed Nov 29, 2017 4:08 pm

I'm trying to track down info about one of my childhood heroes. My father was good friends with a Leon Walker from Wilmington, NC. When I was a young boy, circa 1987, Mr. Walker sent me a footlocker full of Vietnam era uniforms and gear. I remember having a uniform top that had CPT rank, a CIB, jump wings, ranger tab, and a 173rd patch. He was a hero of mine, and unfortunately, he died too young back around 1997. I still have some of the stuff he sent me, including major rank, which I plan to use during my own promotion ceremony in January. Anyway, I found your site and forum, and wondered if the Leon Walker I knew was the same as the one listed on this site. Thank all of you for your service! I have upmost respect for all of you! I will never forget returning home from Iraq in 2009 and we stopped in Bangor, Maine en route to Fort Hood. Our flight had been delayed due to maintenance. Despite this, there were dozens of VFW members who waited at the airport until the wee hours of the morning to welcome us back. Most of them had Vietnam patches on their jackets and all of us really appreciated the fact that most of them never had the same experience. Anyway, 1LT Leon E. Walker is listed as a platoon leader on your 1-50 INF BN website. I was just curious if any of you have any stories or memories of him. My civilian email is jb19264@yahoo.com, and my army email is jon.r.bailey.mil@mail.mil
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Re: Leon Walker

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:20 am

Rick Rajner knew LT Walker. I will call him and give him your contact information.

Jim Sheppard, Historian, Website Administrator
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Re: Leon Walker

Postby jb19264 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:48 pm

I greatly appreciate it!

Jon Bailey
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