Voting on Mini-Reunion

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Voting on Mini-Reunion

Postby kenr17331 » Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:07 pm

Good evening everyone and Welcome Home Brothers - Happy Veteran's Day to all of you out there!

The voting is tallied for location of the Mini-reunion:

Gettysburg PA - 15 votes
San Antonio Texas - 13 votes
Cruise - 6 votes
Other - 5 votes

Based on this final tally, I will begin getting prices on hotel rooms at Gettysburg and hopefully I will have a lot more information for the next newsletter and will also post it here as the information becomes available. I am planning for a Thursday registration with a Sunday departure, so no one has to give up too much vacation time. Anyone is welcome to arrive earlier or stay later; of course, and if you are considering this contact me and I will give you more details as we get closer to next fall.

I have had a lot of requests for August in lieu of September, since a few of you are teachers or unable to get away in September. I will consider that in my dealings with the hotels; however, August is still tourist season in Gettysburg and the rates are much higher, the place is overun with tourists, and there is less chance of having the group at one location. More to come later.

Those of you who voted for San Antonio please come to Gettysburg; you will enjoy it even if you had been here before. Besides, we will talk about our next mini-reunion at that time, which will be in San Antonio.

Thanks and once again - welcome home brothers!

Steel poster
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:53 pm

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