LZ Lambeau

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LZ Lambeau

Postby sam barnhart » Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:00 pm

May 20 thru 22, 2010 there will be a special event at Lambeau Stadium welcoming home Wisconsin's Viet Viet Nam veterans...

Check out this web site: http://www.lzlambeau.org/index.cfm

Looks like it is going to be quite an event...

I wonder how many Wisconsin Ichibaners are out there?????

sam barnhart
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Re: LZ Lambeau

Postby sam barnhart » Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:04 pm


LZ Lambeau Weekend
In May of 2010, Vietnam Veterans and their families are invited to a special Welcome Home celebration at Lambeau Field in Green Bay. The big event will include several days of concerts and reunions, and exhibits including The Vietnam Moving Wall™.

During the showcase event at Lambeau Field on May 22 we will remember those who did not return from combat with music, readings, and a preview of the Wisconsin Public Television documentary, Wisconsin Vietnam War Stories.

The intention of the event is to provide Vietnam veterans with the Welcome Home that which was denied them 40 years ago. In this effort, Wisconsin Public Television, the Wisconsin Historical Society, and the Department of Veterans Affairs became partners in the Wisconsin Vietnam War Stories Project. But for the effort to create the event called LZ Lambeau, the partners are joined by the Green Bay Packers, the City of Green Bay, the State of Wisconsin, several of Wisconsin's Indian Nations, and a growing group of veterans' organizations.

Designed by the veterans and veterans service organizations, Wisconsin's Vietnam War veterans and Vietnam Era veterans, and all their families, are invited to a weekend of activities that will include a motorcycle ride across the state from La Crosse to Green Bay, concerts, The Moving Wall™ exhibit, Vietnam War military exhibits, photo exhibits, vehicle and helicopter displays, and social get-togethers.

The Welcome Home Weekend will culminate with the veterans and their families filling Lambeau Field for an official Memorial Ceremony for their fallen colleagues. This presentation will feature music and spoken word performances, and screenings of excerpts from the Wisconsin Vietnam War Stories documentary on the Tundravision.

A special outreach effort is underway to encourage the participation of the families of the more than 1,200 Wisconsinites who did not return from the war, and the families of those returned veterans who did not live long enough to be welcomed home.

This event, certain to attract nation-wide attention, is a chance for our veterans to finally be able to take public pride in their service, and to receive the appreciation and recognition they deserv
sam barnhart
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Posts: 6
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