Board update complete - 4/26/2014 *Please post any bugs*

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Board update complete - 4/26/2014 *Please post any bugs*

Postby RJ_Smith » Sat Apr 26, 2014 9:31 pm

Hi everyone,

The board update is complete. I ran into a couple bumps and the automatic updater straight up broke things for awhile there.

Everything seems to be working now including new user account creation, attachments, etc. All previous posts and users should work as normal. Due to some file permissions issues, you may have lost your avatar (image next to your name) as they could not be copied over. You can upload another avatar if you want in the User Control Panel.

Please post any bugs here, including any error messages you see (hope they are all resolved). Thanks!
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Re: Board update complete - 4/26/2014 *Please post any bugs*

Postby Randy Smith » Sun Apr 27, 2014 9:19 pm

I would like to post my sincerest thanks to my son RJ for his efforts and diligent work updating the board. I know that he had to spend several hours after the board broke and had to manually FIX IT--FIX IT--FIX IT--FIX IT!
I salute you RJ for a job well done and greatly appreciate all that you do for me and my brothers of the 1/50th. You would have made one damn fine soldier had you chosen that field.
One very proud dad, Randy "DOC" Smith.
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