Thank You

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Thank You

Postby snodinak » Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:12 am

I know that this is quite late and should have been said long ago, but Thank You so much, one and all of you, who made me feel so "at home" while at the 2013 Reunion's Dedication of the Lowe PT Field in memory of my brother Cpl. Donald Everett Lowe. I have just now gone through the pictures of the reunion, and they have brought tears to my eyes again, as I recalled that wonderful day with you all.

I am honored to know Jim Fitzgerald, and to have met Jim Sheppard, John Topper and others while attending, (I'm sorry if I have forgotten the names of those others) and wished I could have met more. I know that in a way, my brother Don, Robert Allen and others had to be looking down that day and saying "Thank you, my brothers" to all of you, their brothers in combat, who served and gave so much. The 1st and 50th holds a special place in my heart and you all deserve far more than I can say or put to words in this short note of appreciation.

I have read and reread so many times each of your accounts on May 5th, 1968 and the battle of An Bao and every time I do, I pick up a little more. Most recently I read the story titled "Battle of An Bao 5 May 1968" written by John Topper about that day and what so many of you did in spite of what you were dealt, and the orders from above in which you had to follow. You are, each one, all heroes in your own accord and I thank God for you and for what you did May 5th, 6th, and 7th with that which was placed in front of you. I also look at the leadership of our country, at that time, and like Mr. Topper, I also say "apology not accepted". But to each of you, thank you again and again.

God Bless each and every one of you, Bill Lowe
Copper poster
Posts: 18
Joined: Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:12 pm

Re: Thank You

Postby Randy Smith » Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:03 pm

Bill this is Randy "DOC" Smith and I met you at the 2013 reunion. I wanted to say just how much it means to those of us who made it back to know that family members of our lost brothers feel that they, our lost brothers, are looking down on us with approval for our service and remembrances. You see there is an underlying feeling of guilt to all who did come back but your comment "Thank you, my brothers" from Donald, Robert Allen, and all others means more to us than you know. Thank you Bill and I hope to meet you again at future reunions.
Randy Smith
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