Concrete Steps - Anyone remember these?

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Concrete Steps - Anyone remember these?

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Oct 15, 2013 3:32 pm

I received the following note and photo today:

October 15, 2013

I found your website today, and I'm sending along a picture I took earlier this year on a trip back to LZ Uplift. I'm trying to get this to as many websites as I can of units who spent some time at Uplift, especially in 1969.

The picture shows concrete steps with "1969" carved in them, along
with some initials. I'm hoping to find the folks that made the steps. I'm sure they would get a kick out of seeing them again.

I was with the 25th Infantry Division at Uplift in 1967.


"Danny Yates" <>

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Jim Sheppard
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