Melvin Sodowsky

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Melvin Sodowsky

Postby HS0d » Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:31 am

My name is Holly Sodowsky and I'm a junior in high school. Melvin Sodowsky was my cousin and I'm doing a project about him for school. I was wondering if there was anyone on here who served with him that could tell me a few things about him and what he was like. I would appreciate anything you guys have to offer!

Holly Sodowsky
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Re: Melvin Sodowsky

Postby George Borges » Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:51 am

Holly, Your cousin Melvin was my platoon leader .Dco.2nd.plt.1/50th.mech.Inf. for more information Iam @ or call me at 772-6214565 George Borges I'll try to help as much as I can. I'am sure you will get many org. members.that will help. George
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Re: Melvin Sodowsky

Postby Randy Smith » Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:05 pm

Hello Holly, my name is Randolph Smith and I knew your cousin Melvin. He was stationed with the 1/50th in Texas before we shipped out to Viet Nam. In Viet Nam he was assigned as a platoon leader in Delta Company. I was the senior medic for Delta Company when it was formed and was with Lieutenant Melvin Sodowski when our company patrolled enemy territory. I was with Melvin when he was wounded and took him from his armored personnel carrier to be medivaced by helicopter. If you wish to talk to me about Melvin just send me an e-mail to and I will send you my phone #.
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Re: Melvin Sodowsky

Postby Lou Frisbie » Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:52 pm

Hi Holly
Melvin was my Platoon leader when we were at Ft Hood. We were in AIT Cco 2nd 41st Infantry.
After AIT we both were tranfered to The 1st 50th Infantry to train for Vietnam. He was a very qood officer.
He was also my Platoon leader when we first got to Vietnam. After about month there I was taken out of the
Platoon to be the RTO for the Company CO for a new company D. If you have questions please e-mail me glad to answer any you have.
Thanks Lou
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