Seeking information

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Seeking information

Postby billiegirltoo » Sat Mar 30, 2013 6:03 am

Hi All,

I'm looking for information about my father's service whether it's from anyone who knew or served with him in Vietnam.

We didn't really talk about his service much and I'd like to know a little more about his time in the Army.

My name is Billie. My dad's name was Charles K. Hill and his cert. of release says 11B5M Infantryman ... Google pointed me here.

Is this the right place to be to perhaps find more info? I'm unsure.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Seeking information

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:17 pm

I am "Assuming" your father has passed away?

All I can tell you based on the information you supplied is that your father was an Infantryman and that an 11B5M is a 1st Sergeant E8. This rank was generally the highest "Non-Commisioned" (Not an officer) attained within a Company of approximately 200 men. Often the first Sergeant was referred to as "Top" or "Top-Sergeant" for this reason. This is usually someone who spent considerable time in the military...likely a career?

You can request copies of his service records from the National Archives Personnel Records Center if he has passed away and you are a surviving child. This can be done on-line at:

When filling out the form, you want to be sure to request all available documentation...NOT just his DD214...which it sounds like you already have. Once you receive the documents, one of them will list his duty stations....which will tell you what units he served with and on what dates. From there, you can determine search criteria to possibly find an Association which might have members who knew him.

Good Luck!
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