LZ Uplift: Circa 1966

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LZ Uplift: Circa 1966

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:33 am

Interesting "Panorama" Photo I created from three photos I found on a 5th Cav website...taken from about a year before we got there.

LZ Uplift: http://www.ichiban1.org/images/Uplift_P ... e_1_50.jpg
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: LZ Uplift: Circa 1966

Postby Mike Koplin » Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:31 am

Jim, thanks for the panoramic view of LZ uplift. While helping to move a metal drum filled with sand on the medivac LZ my thumb slid on sharp edge, and the drum didn't move. Lt. McAleer stitched up my thumb. He insisted on this because he wanted to practice on me. I still have the scar. I remember Chuck everytime I look at it. Hey, no bad feelings, he's a nice guy and I'm glad he was able to get his practice. (LOL). -Mike
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Re: LZ Uplift: Circa 1966

Postby Randy Smith » Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:12 pm

I wonder if the arvn camp that they bulldozed under while we were there, is in the picture. Remember the rats in that place. The four legged kind is what I am referring to. Randy.
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Re: LZ Uplift: Circa 1966

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:06 pm

To Bob Bihari:

If you recall, Eight Inch Hill was improved during our "visit"...with cement poured gun positions. I am thinking that the hill had not been improved for firing at the time of these photos...since it did not catch the photographers eye. I'm sure they would have inculded the hill in the photo if something was there other than dirt! I also remember pulling guard duty there with Charlie Company. Unlike you, they shot a firing mission one night and our position was right next to one of those things. To this day, I believe it was that firing mission that gave me the permanent ringing in my left ear! I remembered the position of that gun...to my left...when questioned by the VA Doctor when I applied for my tinitus dissability! They awarded me ten percent...but not because of combat. It seems that during Basic Training at Fort Hood...I went on sick call for ringing in that same ear! sheesh! I likely was just making it up to get out of KP or something! ~grin~

There are some more buildings below the edge of the photo I created...but they were only on two of the three original photos...so I left them off. There was not much to what I left off...maybe a half inch or so on the two right photos.

Those rice paddies also caught my eye...as I pulled guard duty right in the area of the perimeter...and do not remember any wetlands there. I'm thinking they were filled in before we got there.

What I really liked about this "Panorama" was the way you get a good sense of those mountains in the background. Odd as it may sound...at times they reminded me of the Shanendoah area of western Virginia! The view could be beautiful at sunset.
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Re: LZ Uplift: Circa 1966

Postby Kornercarver » Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:45 pm

I know this is an old post, but I happened to find it today when I was searching for pictures of LZ Uplift. I was at Uplift when the 1st of the 50th Bn arrived in Vietnam in September of 1967. The picture pieced together couldn't be Uplift in 1966. Uplift was first occupied during January, 1967. I know because I spent New Years Eve sitting in a foxhole staring across the field of fire we cut that day. We had no concertina at that time. Uplift was a very rugged place. Here is a photo I took from the top of Duster Hill during the summer of 1967. As you can see, Uplift is much smaller than in the first picture. There is very little on the side of Highway 1 by Duster Hill. I have lots of pictures of the Cavalry if anyone is interested.

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