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Postby Randy Smith » Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:16 pm

AHA, finally back on line. I missed Veterans Day because my old computer was down again but RJ, my son came to town and fixed it for me. I had already bought a new one to replace this one but took it back.
I want to wish all my brothers a very happy Thanksgiving and remind everyone not to overindulge, aw go ahead it's Thanksgiving.
I remember back to 1967 when I was provided an all expense paid trip to the 67th EVAC Hospital for Thanksgiving dinner. I kept the very nice menu (with a green ribbon) they provided at the time and sent it home in the mail. I later donated it to the 1/50th regimental museum at Treadwell Barracks at Ft. Benning along with my medics armband, shot record, and ration card. It was moved with the battalion to Honor Hill and was there in a glass display case during the last reunion.
Funny the things you think of at certain times, know what I mean. Of course you do---HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Randy"DOC"Smith
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Postby harley hawkins » Fri Nov 23, 2012 4:53 pm


Great to talk you the other night. Hope you are feeling better and a happy thanksgiving to you too. Isn,t it amazing how we all remember different things and the same things in a different way.
In writing my book I was so afraid of telling something someone would think didn't happen that way and than you said tell it the way you remember it and I did.
I love Bob Gold like a brother, but we never agree on how things happen in Nam. Had a good talk with Bob yesterday he seems to be doing well. I also talked to Danny Scott last week he is retired and is trapping this winter. Take care my friend and tell the family I said hi.

Mick Hawkins
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Postby Randy Smith » Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:29 am

Hey Mick,
It was great talking with you and I'm really looking forward to the reunion. It will be great to see you, Bob, Danny(if he can make it) and all the others. I wonder if guys on the east coast got hurt by super storm Sandy and might put a damper on their attendance this year. I don't know about LT Denny Driscoll, I know he was on the east coast somewhere but hope he was far enough inland to have had some protection. C U Later.
Randy Smith
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Postby harley hawkins » Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:38 am

Bob said Denny came out ok. Plan on being at the reunion Giger is coming with me and maybe my grandson. Would be nice if Danny would come also, I don,t think he will.
harley hawkins
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Posts: 194
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