This page is designed to be a "quick reference" page of work done on our Web Site. Visit this page often to check on the latest additions and corrections to the site. Please visit the Members Email page and check your email and unit affiliation information. If changes, additions or deletions are warranted, please use the links provided there to request updates. Historian Jim Sheppard is handling updates. Feel free to contact him with comments and/or suggestions. |
December 3, 2018 |
Added December Newsletter to the Newsletters page. |
November 24, 2018 |
Added 2019 Reunion information on the "Reunions" page. Also updated email address for Tommy Cantwell (Delta Company, 1967-8) on the Members email page. |
November 6, 2018 |
Added obituary for Keith LaRue, Company A, 1967-8 on the "Taps" page. Also eliminated most of the former "Links" page. The 50th Infantry Association website will no longer maintain a list of "links" to various Veteran and Vietnam websites.It is recommended that one use any of the major internet search engines to find information and/or websites relating to your desired topic. To search for content on our 50th Infantry Website, use the search pane on our home page. |
October 6, 2018 |
Finished transcribing and embellishing copies of Dave Parker's letters he wrote home before being KIA with Delta Company on January 31, 1968, and added a link to the file on his "Memorial" page. |
September 2, 2018 |
Added obituaries for: Ron Proventure, Walt "Pete" Peterson, Sam "Butch" Strickland...all Medics in 1967-8...and James Lee who commanded HHC from March, 1968 ro January, 1969, on the "Taps" page. |
September 1, 2018 |
Added photo on the memorial page for Melvin Joe Williams, "D" Company, KIA JAnuary 31, 1968. Baraba found his family and acquired his photo for us. Of 216 men KIA while assigned, attached or operating with the various 50th Infantry designations, we now have photos for all but 3! We are working on leads for these remaining 3 men. |
September 2, 2018 |
Added obituary for Ernest PeeWee Johnson, Company B, 1967-8 on the "Taps" page. We learned that he passed away back in 1991. |
September 1, 2018 |
Added better photo on the memorial page for Lorenzo Pettis, SRAP and "A" Company, KIA June 12, 1969. Also added photos of Robert Lee Owens, "B" Company, KIA 11 May 1968, on his memorial page. |
August 30, 2018 |
Added obituary for Ted Hardy on the "Taps" page. |
August 27, 2018 |
Changed Mailing Address for our Treasurer, Chuck McAleer, on the "Contact Officers" and also on the "Membership" page. |
August 19, 2018 |
Added obituary for Bradley L. Smith on the "Taps" page. Also added August Newsletter to the Newsletters page. |
May 23, 2018 |
Added newspaper article by Ron Fischer about Randy Smith to the"Taps" page. Follow this link to read the story: "Never Forgotten: In memory of a combat medic" |
June 9, 2018 |
Added photos of the recent Change of Command of the 50th Infantry on the "Reunions" page. |
May 23, 2018 |
Added obituary for Steve Dennis on the "Taps" page. |
May 10, 2018 |
Updated email address for Chaplain Joseph Dulany on the Members email page. |
April 26, 2018 |
Updated email address for Mick Hawkins on the Members email page. |
April 6, 2018 |
Added photo (Very poor quality) on the memorial page for Lorenzo Pettis, SRAP and "A" Company, KIA June 12, 1969. |
April 1, 2018 |
Added April Newsletter to the Newsletters page. |
March 8, 2018 |
3:15 AM tomorrow morning marks 50 years since the pitched battle between Company D and the 8th Bn, 22nd NVA Regiment at LZ Litts. I have added a compilation of the history of the LZ and a group of personal accounts on the battle on the War Stories page. |
March 4, 2018 |
Added a few photos and added individual photo description pages on the Short Range Ambush Platoon page. Also added cemetery information on the memorial page for James Strano, from 2nd Platoon of "A" Company, KIA January 23, 1968. |
February 22, 2018 |
Updated email address for Gus Allbritton on the Members email page. |
February 21, 2018 |
Added Tom McGovern, 2nd Platoon Leader, Co A 9/67-8/68 to the Life Members page. |
February 16, 2018 |
Added New Photo of Harley Roy Standridge on his KIA Memorial page. The new photo is from his Temple Oklahoma High School Yearbook, Class of 1966. Harley was KIA on December 15, 1967 while serving with our Company D. |
February 12, 2018 |
Added Photo Album for Tom McGovern on the Photo Albums page. |
February 8, 2018 |
Added Notes on the poem Vitai Lampada" (Play the game motto source) in the motto section of the Regimental Heraldry page. |
February 6, 2018 |
Added Photo Album for Thomas Jones on the Photo Albums page. |
January 28, 2018 |
Added obituary for Bob Payne on the "Taps" page. |
January 27, 2018 |
Added photos of Charlie Hendrickson and Paul Cicero, Company E (LRP), 50th Infantry to the Company E, 50th Inf. page. |
January 26, 2018 |
Added a story by Rick Rajner, SRAP, to the War Stories page. |
January 25, 2018 |
Added obituary for Former Battalion Commander John M Gilbert to the "Taps" page. Also updated Tom Tierney's rank on the Medics Page to SP5 |
January 22, 2018 |
Added obituaries for Steve Oliphant, Al Smith, Chucksey Spotts and Richard Hanna to the "Taps" page. Also added list of awards to former Battalion Commander Cheney L Bertholf's Obituary page. |
January 16, 2018 |
Added email address for Jim Rose, Headquarter Company, Generator Maintenance, 9/67-6/68, on the Members email page. |
January 11, 2018 |
Updated email address for John Nichols on the Members email page. |
January 1, 2018 |
Happy New Year to all! I have loaded this new "site updates" page for 2018 and archived the 2017 updates to the "Site Map" page. Today marks the beginning of my 13th year maintaining our website... and I am into my 19th year as Association Historian. |
2017 Archive |
Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2017 |
2016 Archive |
Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2016 |
2015 Archive |
Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2015 |
2014 Archive |
Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2014 |
2013 Archive |
Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2013 |
2012 Archive |
Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2012 |
2011 Archive |
Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2011 |
2010 Archive |
Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2010 |
2009 Archive |
Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2009 |
2008 Archive |
Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2008 |
2007 Archive |
Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2007 |
2006 Archive |
Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2006 |