Films may be ordered from or (click on logo to order).
Were Soldiers (2002)
Directed by Randall Wallace
Starring: Mel Gibson, Sam Elliott, Clark Gregg, Greg Kinnear, et al.
"We Were Soldiers" carries an unusually heavy burden for a Hollywood movie. It
hopes to show the Vietnam War in a way no film has done before: as it really happened.
Based on the book "We Were Soldiers Once
and Young," a painstaking account
of the 1st Cav' first bloody battle of the Vietnam War in the Ia Drang valley, later
dubbed the valley of death, the film seeks to be especially accurate in portraying
battlefield noise and the confusion. Co-author Galloway said, "Did they dramatize
some of it? Sure they did
this is Hollywood. This is entertainment. This is truth and
entertainment. But I would say to you that there's less Hollywood in this movie than any
movie I've ever seen." |

for a special review of the
film by
Black Hawk Down (2002)
Directed by Ridley Scott
Starring: Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, et al.
Beginning with a quote from T.S. Elliott--"All our ignorance brings us closer to
death"--Black Hawk Down offers an intelligent film about the 1993 American mission to
Somalia which was part of the foundation for the September 11, 2001 attack. It goes a ways
towards addressing the media-sponsored public misperception of the Ranger mission as a
"failure", and is a tribute to the professional soldiers who bravely and
effectively fought on a politically-charged (and micro-managed) battlefield. |

Press here
for a special review of the
film by Captain Gary Izzo, U.S. Army (Ret.), the pilot of Super 65 (a Blackhawk in the
Ranger blocking force) in the operation.
(Provided by John Topper)
The good, the bad and the ugly
films about the Vietnam War. |

Fire (1985)
Tom Johnson Stars as a Vietnam Vet trying to cope with his life and relationships after
the war. Mick Hawkins tells us that our own Larry Ashlock ("D"
Company") was also in this movie and helped with the technical end. |
Reviews invited. |

History (1983)
Public Broadcasting System, Produced by Dick Ellis
This remarkable and essential seven-volume series--six years in the making and originally
broadcast on public television in 1983. I guess it's reasonably balanced, the war really
was big and messy. Many of the combat clips really brought "my war" back, and
the other clips made me realize how limited the perspective of the grunt was, and had to
be! |
Reviews invited. |

Hunter (1978)
Directed by Michael Cimino
All-star cast (Robert DeNiro, Christopher Walken, John Savage).
My wife considers this the best film about war... any war... but I'm not so sure despite 5
Academy Awards; still the film got us talking about Vietnam! She calls the parts I find
unrealistic "metaphor". Hmmm. Still, there's lots to like about this
realistically filmed, well-acted human drama - not least of all the camaraderie! |

Now (1979)
Directed by Francis Ford Coppola
All-star cast (Brando, M.Sheen, Duvall, etc.).
Pathetic, depressing, morose and pretentious huge budget anti-war film showing signs of
copious amounts of drugs allegedly consumed during filming. Predictably, adherents argue
it is a "metaphor": the script was lifted from Heart of Darkness with no
resemblance to anything (but Robert Duvall's performance stands out). |

Green Berets (1968)
Directed by Ray Kellogg and John Wayne
All-star cast (really).
Much maligned film classic made at Fort Benning and the Florida Ranger Camp (while I was
there) which attempted to "realistically" portray the complexities of Vietnam as
only John Wayne could. Forget the plot which varied significantly from Robin Moore's book,
but marvel at the look and feel of the times (pine trees?) and shed a tear for little
Hamchuck. |

Anderson Platoon (1967)
Produced by Pierre Schoendorffer
Documentary (cast of real-life grunts).
In the fall of 1966, French documentarian Pierre Schoendorffer spent six weeks with an
American infantry platoon in the 1st Cavalry Division. This is the real war... although
some scenes look a bit staged. A sobering film. |

Charlie Mopic (1989)
Directed by Patrick Sheane Duncan (Vietnam Vet)
Cast of unknowns.
Excellent fictionalized first person view on a Long Range Recon Patrol in Central
Highlands in late 1969. In the opinion of this and other Vietnam veterans, this film looks
and feels like a real documentary filmed for the troops being trained for combat in
Vietnam, not like a staged movie. If realism and a good feel for that war is what you are
looking for then get or watch this film. |

Hill (1987)
Directed by John Irvin
Anthony Barrile, Michael Boatman
Realistic, no-frills look at the deadly siege on Hill 937 in the A Shau Valley, where
soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division engaged the enemy over the course of eleven
brutal assaults between May 10th and 20th, 1969. I was surprised when I saw this film that
it didn't pontificate or editorialize (unusual for Hollywood) but lets the action speak
for itself. |

Produced and Directed by Oliver Stone (Vietnam Veteran)
Berenger, Defoe, C.Sheen
First-person account of a young soldier who in a short period is unlucky enough to
experience every bad thing that ever happened in the ten years of war. Despite the
heavy-handed politics, there are fine performances from an excellent cast. |

Metal Jacket (1987)
Directed by Stanley Kubrick
Matthew Modine, Lee Ermey
A two-part drama that begins at a Parris Island boot camp and abruptly switches to
Vietnam. Stanley Kubrick's films aren't noted for logical development, and metaphors fly
fast and furious, with Kubrick's main point being that depravity and fulfillment are
intertwined in war. Maybe I just didn't need to learn that. |

Thunder (1988)
Directed by Rick Rosenthal
John Lithgow, Ralph Macchio
Emotionally troubled (PTSD) Vietnam vet (well acted by Third Rock's Lithgow), who has
retreated to live as a hermit in the wilderness, and whose abandoned son (Karate Kid
Macchio) sets out to find him. |

of War (1989)
Directed by Brian de Palma
Sean Penn, Michael J. Fox
Based on a New Yorker article, Michael J. Fox is a straight-shooting soldier in a depraved
squad led by Sean Penn. While on patrol, the squad kidnaps and rapes a Vietnamese woman
and murders her. Fox refused to participate and reports it, finding that he is in deeper
trouble then the miscreants. This all sounds pretty clear-cut, but the film doesn't seem
sure what points it wants to make.
2007 UPDATE: Website Committee member Jim Sheppard adds: New
documentation has come to light on this TRUE STORY. Upon obtaining two new books;It
took Heroes and It Took Heroes II, by Claude D. Newby, of which
the latter documents our own Charlie Company CO, CPT Jay Copley, I read the account
of the author, an Army Chaplain who, quite coincidentally, was the Chaplain that Michael
Fox's character finally got to pay attention to his account of a squad's abduction and
brutal rape of a Vietnamese girl. Not only was the film correct, but they neglected to
portray that the Vietnamese girl, who was ultimately killed by the men of the squad (On a
Long Range Recon Patrol), was 5 months pregnant! We must accept that not all stories of
Vietnam are "Lilly White"....we had our black attested to in the well
documented My Lai massacre. With this new knowledge, the original review no longer seems
to be slightly "left wing", but rather a depiction of actual events. With this
in view, I have given the film a "neutral" rating. I will admit...the first time
I saw this film, without Claude Newby's verification of the facts, I also felt the film
was "slanted". I now feel it is an accurate depiction of the
events...although names and units were changed for the film. |



Country (1989)
Directed by Norman Jewison
Bruce Willis, Emily Lloyd
A Vietnam veteran with PTSD helps his teenage niece who's just graduated from high school
find out more about her father who died in Vietnam before she was born. The movie is
really a character study about family as the two quite credible characters bond leading up
to a powerful ending at the Wall. A well-acted, decent film. Bring Kleenex. |


of Firebase Gloria (1989)
Directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith
Wings Hauser, R. Lee Ermey
A minimalist B movie that tells a straightforward story about Marines defending a
disorganized isolated outpost in Vietnam during Tet 68, featuring brutalities on both
sides and making the statement that the VC were just the same as us. Oh well, that passed
for balance in the 1980s. |

Leader (1987)
Directed by Aaron Norris
Robert F. Lyons, Michael Dudikoff
A down-to-earth film about how a green platoon leader who gets a firsthand education on
the battlefield, fighting more than just the enemy. Makes an honest attempt to fairly
authentically portray slang, mannerisms, and feel of Vietnam combat without left-wing
political hype. |
Boys in Company C (1978)
Directed by Sidney J. Furie
Stan Shaw, Andrew Stevens
Shaw whips green Marine recruits into shape for Vietnam in a film that focuses on the
hypocrisy and stupidity of brass and the demoralization of the soldiers. In the unlikely
event that you want to learn what American youth of the post-Vietnam era have been taught
about the Vietnam War, this is the film for you, with its 20/20 hindsight! |

- The Ten Thousand Day War (1980)
Written by CNN correspondent Peter Arnett,
Narrated by Richard Basehart
While Ted Turner's CNN wasn't the bastion of journalistic purity, this excellent
documentary's 13 episodes trace the entire course of the conflict from the close of World
War II to the fall of Saigon in l975. It's worth it for the extensive archival footage and
interviews with participants on both sides. "Vietnam" is reasonably objective
journalistic history. If you don't like the narrative, turn the sound off and let the
pictures speak for themselves. |

America: Letters Home from Vietnam (1988)
Directed by Bill Couturié
Read by Harvey Keitel, Matt Dillon, Kathleen Turner, many others.
This is a semi-documentary with real letters, newsreel footage, still photos and 60s music
combining to present a human story of the war and reveal real people in real situations
trying desperately to explain or understand. This powerful documentary is a crossover film
that, while basically anti-war, is not explicitly anti-veteran. |

21 (1988)
Directed by Peter Markle
Gene Hackman, Danny Glover
Fighter pilot Hackman hangs onto his radio when shot down and maintains contact with Danny
Glover. Hackman must rely on his own instincts with long-distance help from Glover, to
evade and escape. While theoretically based on a true story, only good acting from the
stars saves the film. |
Go Tell
the Spartans (1978)
Directed by Ted Post
Burt Lancaster,
Burt shines as "advisory group'' commander who in 1964 is already starting to have
his doubts about the conflict. More realistic in dialogue and situation than other, more
publicized, popular films on the subject. Wendell Mayes's cynically funny script is right
on target. Based on Daniel Ford's novel Incident at Muc Wa. A solid film. |






Hilton (1987)
Directed by Lionel Chetwynd
Michael Moriarty,
This has to be a decent film, because the New Republic called it "filth" and
other reviewers panned it as "one-sided" for trying to tell the truth about
Americans held in the infamous Hoa Lo prison in North Vietnam, the one Jane Fonda visited
and found humane. Vietnam Veteran John Puzzo wrote, "This film, produced by Lionel
Chetwynd, whom I interviewed for one of my radio shows, was one of the only films that
exposed the anti-war movement collaborators for what the were (and remain). In the film
the woman 'activist' is not Jane Fonda, she is Cora Weiss... Chetwynd was quite nearly
blackballed in Hollyweird after the fim came out. So much for freedom of
expression..." |

With Honor (1987)
Directed by Jacqueline Shearer
A documentary from PBS's American Experience series that uses intervies, vintage footage,
including propaganda films shot by their captors, and other documentary techniques to
bring to life the experiences of men held for up to 8-1/2 years as North Vietnamese
prisoners of war. |
Reviews invited. |
Home (1978)
Directed by
Jon Voight, Jane Fonda
I couldn't rate this film because I refused to see anything by Jane on Vietnam, so I asked
for assistance, which was forthcoming from John Puzzo.
While some have said that the film was a quasi-apology by Jane to us, don't believe that
for a second! I saw a brief bit that had Jane playing out an insulting one-dimensional
parody of a Vietnam Vet's wife... not surprisingly, Viet Vet Puzzo was none too
complimentary. |




Command (1966)
Directed by Mark Robson
Anthony Quinn
Quinn stars as maverick French Paratroop LTC Raspeguy, first in Indochina at Dien Bien
Phu, hardened (and bonded) even more as Viet Minh POWs, and later applying their
no-holds-barred approach against Algerian Arab guerilla fighting for independence from
France. Based on Jean Larteguy's excellent novel "The Centurians."

Valor (1983)
Directed by Ted Kotcheff
Gene Hackman, Patrick Swayze
Based on a true story, Hackman is a retired military man who gets tired of government
inaction in tracking down the whereabouts of his MIA son, so he gathers and trains a rough
group of Vietnam vets to launch his own mission into Laos. This film had some memorable
and enjoyable moments. |

in Action (1984)
Directed by Joseph Zito
Chuck Norris
What can I say? Chuck Norris is, well, Chuck Norris (aka Braddock) the one-man army
single-handedly winning the Vietnam War this time. Chuck the diplomat negotiating for MIA
release is unfairly accused by the North of foul play, so he puts on his ninja suit and...
well, if you like Chuck Norris, this is almost as good as Octagon! |

Blood (1982)
Directed by Ted Kotchoff
Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, Brian Dennehy
Green Beret Medal of Honor winner John Rambo wanders into a small town to find a fellow
'Nam buddy and gets the living heck kicked out of him by the local law (Viet Vet wannabe
Brian Dennehy). Rambo simply applies his defensive skills and leads a fight through the
local mountains (why wouldn't they just leave him alone?). After almost a decade of
pussy-footing around, Rambo let a Vietnam Vet be a hero again (well, an anti-hero at
least) in an interesting film. |

First Blood Part 2 (1985)
Directed by George Cosmatos
Sylvester Stallone
In this sequel, disillusioned Vietnam vet John Rambo returns to Vietnam on a Black Op to
(what else) rescue MIAs and kicks Asian (and Russian) butt, taking Rocky-style punishment
along the way. |

Hearts (1984)
Directed by Sidney J. Furie
Cheryl Ladd, Ken Wahl
Navy medic and nurse fall in love. Vietnam intervenes. This is more a love story (or
soapy) than a war story, but grunts weren't the only people affected by the war. The
watchable film gives a good sense of the feel of the day for people in uniform and, as a
female reviewer on Amazon said, "Don't watch this movie without your Kleenex". |

Rumor of War (1980)
Directed by Richard T. Heffron
Keith Carradine, Jeff Daniels, Brian Dennehy, Laurence Fishburne
Possibly the best ever war movie title (from Vietnam Marine veteran Philip Caputo's 1977
book), the Marine LT hero diligently performs his duty in battle after battle while
questioning America's involvement until he suffers a nervous breakdown. The film trumpets
the brutalization and depersonalization of troops in Vietnam, so Hollywood picked up the
film rights and made the film without delay. |

on the Fourth of July (1989)
Directed by Oliver Stone
Tom Cruise
Oliver Stone did it again, he must have hated his tour in the Army! He managed to take a
very good book, paralyzed Viet Vet Ron Kovic's "Born on the Fourth of July" and
draw a few original but politically correct (for the day) conclusions that the book
somehow "missed". Kovic was a gung ho Marine who came home from Vietnam
paralyzed from the chest down who went through mental and physical hell before finding new
meaning in the antiwar movement,. This is a powerful film, but it doesn't do the book
justice. |

of Stone (1987)
Directed by Francis Ford Coppola
James Caan. Anjelica Huston,James Earl Jones
This film makes more sense when you understand that Coppola's son Giancarlo had recently
died in a boating accident. This is a drama about the Old Guard who patrol and serve at
the funerals at Arlington National Cemetery. Burned out James Caan tries to pass his
cynicism onto a young man in the unit who (of course) doesn't listen, goes to OCS then Nam
as a butterbar, and predictably returns to Arlington, but I won't give away the glum,
gloomy plot. |

Odd Angry Shot (1979)
Directed by Tom Jeffrey
Graham Kennedy, Bryan Brown, John Hargreaves
Australian film about Diggers in Vietnam that avoids much of the Hollywood hype (because
it wasn't made in Hollywood) to realistically portray what it was really like. It follows
four Australian soldiers serving in Vietnam. The title alone gives it some credibility. |

Killing Fields (1984)
Directed by Roland Joffe
Sam Waterston, Haing S. Ngor, John Malkovich
A fascinating study of the brutal impact of the Khmer Rouge upon Kampuchean society.
Winner of 3 Academy Awards. Anyone who doesn't believe in the Domino Theory should be
forced to watch this film until they concede this painful reality might possibly be a
domino! |

Morning Vietnam (1987)
Directed by Barry Levinson
Robin Williams, Forrest Whittaker
Based on the story of AFVN radio announcer Adrian Cronauer in Vietnam. Like most Hollywood
films about Vietnam, political correctness overcomes a good story and fine acting; in this
case, there are really two films - the excellent first half which degenerates to make all
the political messages Hollywood wanted to make during the weak second half. |

America (1990)
Directed by Roger Spottiswoode
Mel Gibson, Robert Downey Jr
An action comedy that tries out a whimsical look at the CIA's covert smuggling operations
during the Vietnam War, this film never reaches very far towards its black comedy
potential. |

Gump (1994)
Directed by Robert Zemeckis
Tom Hanks, Gary Sinise, Robin Wright, Sally Field, and everybody who was anybody.
The most unusual movie you'll ever see about the Vietnam war. Academy Award winner Tom
Hanks plays a slow-witted man who is at the center of the most pivotal events of the
Vietnam War era. This is a super film... it's like, well, like a large box of chocolates,
you never know what you're gonna get. |