Bracket and reunion

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Bracket and reunion

Postby harley hawkins » Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:31 pm

This weekend after I had finished my bracket in which I had the national Campion coming out of the south, but have to admit I would like Kansas to win it all .
I was talking to my wife "Carolyn about how excited I was about this reunion as there was going to be a lot of people I have not seen in awhile and some since Nam and two of my grandsons are coming . Carolyn ask me how many people has attended all the reunions.
Will I sure wish she had not ask that as I felt I should know that and not knowing felt I should find out. I came up with this.
(1) Toby and Brenda Jordan has attended every reunion and are registered for this one coming up. Toby was in A company.
(2) Don and Gwen Rainwater from B company has attended every reunion and are registered for this reunion also.
(3) Dick and Cynthia Guthrie have attended all the reunions and to date have not registered for this upcoming reunion but my guess they will . Richard is from B company.
That is the only three I came up with so you see I had a lot to do this weekend . Carolyn wanted the basement cleaned out, but hay; you have to set priorities.
I might note there was a few people with only one or two miss's that being Louis and Carolyn Frisbie D company, Neil and Carolyn Miller C company .
Than you get into a whole list of people who have attended most of them.
See You In May.

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: Bracket and reunion

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Mar 13, 2017 6:08 pm

Good topic Mick!

I found the association "on-line" in the late spring of 1999 and attended that next reunion in Kansas City (Where I was elected Historian). I missed the reunion in Las Vegas as I could not afford to travel at that time...but have been to every reunion since...and every change of command since 2008 when Dick Guthrie and Jay Copley received their honorary regimental titles.

Unfortunately, there were some some people at those two reunions I missed that have not been to Benning...but that's not only my loss...but their loss as well. They don't know what they are missing. I am hoping I can stay healthy into my 80s so I can keep doing these. They are the high points in my life every year!

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Re: Bracket and reunion

Postby Russ Roth » Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:50 pm

Kansas City was the first one I attended. Have not missed since and that includes Bob Golds' pig roast which was every bit as much fun as the reunions. :D

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Re: Bracket and reunion

Postby harley hawkins » Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:40 am

Jim I knew you had attended a lot there are a lot of people in that 1 or 2 miss group . I didn't know about the reunions or the association until the Vegas one . Kansas city is about 1 and a half hours from home and didn't know about it. Jim you guys that are officers put in a lot of travel time and we do appreciate it.
Russ knew you was right up there with several in that 1 miss group and I didn't count the off years . Shit now you have me thinking about that . I wonder how many attended all the off years and the reunions ?

Harley Mick Hawkins
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