National Call for Photos

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National Call for Photos

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:53 pm

Most of you know of our ongoing quest to have a photo for each of our men killed in action. Although this process has seen much success in the past year, we still have no photo for approximately half the men we lost in Vietnam!

Think about looking through your individual photo collections for a shot of that man YOU knew who died. and send me a copy for our memorial pages.soon to be enhanced and improved:

In general, as I uncover or acquire a new photo for a man previously “devoid” of same….I submit a copy to the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Fund website…which has memorial pages for every soldier killed in Vietnam. Since I have done so with quite a few men, the folks at the Memorial site have kept me “in the loop” on their projects and events.

I thought I would pass this note along to you all. Their request mirrors what we have been doing as described above. If you go to the CNN “Blog” link in this message, you can post your thoughts on the effort….and, I suspect, you will get on their “e-mail” list for notifications about future events.

Following is a copy of the message I received:

“The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) is very excited about our National Call for Photos, which launched at a press event yesterday. We are gathering photos of the 58,261 people whose names are on The Wall for the Education Center. As you probably know, the Education Center is an underground learning facility being built on the National Mall. It will tell the stories of the people we lost in Vietnam and pay tribute to all who served in all of America's wars.

We are getting a lot of news coverage about our Call for Photos launch, which is vital to helping us get the word out. CNN has featured our story in a blog post, in addition to the stories it is broadcasting. Here's the link: ... -phillips/. The blog solicits comments, so we'd appreciate it if you would post a message of support.

Thanks for your help!”

If you would like to “browse” the memorial pages at the VVMF Website, go to the search link following this message. You can check to see if there are photos there for the man or men you knew. If there is no photo there, it is a good indication that we also do not have a photo…since I have visited every memorial page that is relative to us. Of course, some may have been posted since I checked last year, but I will be periodically re-visiting their pages in the future.
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Jim Sheppard
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Joined: Tue May 26, 2009 5:24 am

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