muck boots

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muck boots

Postby harley hawkins » Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:51 am


I hate to admit this, but I just purchased a pair of Muck Boots.

Mick Hawkins
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Re: muck boots

Postby Dan Neely » Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:05 pm

Darn it, Mick, I really hate to read that. Be sure to post locations where they may be sold so that the rest of us can give those stores a wide berth. So close to the holidays, too. What the heck are muck boots? Do they make matching gloves and hats to go with them?

Have a great New Years, Mick. You are one special person and not the short bus type. Dan
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Re: muck boots

Postby harley hawkins » Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:32 pm

Hay Dan. Hows it going? Well you see Larry Curtis and Randy Smith came over and went Duck hunting with me.
It got colder then a well diggers, anyway it was cold. Randy had purchased a pair of boots called Muck Boots and he went on how warm they kept his feet and I gave him hell about them every time he bragged on them.
Well it got to about zero here and stayed. I was out one day and about froze my feet off. I was telling a friend about how good Randy said the Muck boots were and he said they were the best. I purchased a pair and have to admit my feet has never been cold in them.
It is just a brand name but if you are out in sub zero weather you need a pair. Dan when are you coming to a reunion? It is a good time and it would be great to see you again. Do you ever hear from Bob Hall?
That care my friend .

Mick Hawkins
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Re: muck boots

Postby tjordan » Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:53 am

Mick, sure glad someone else ask what them boots were, because I didn't have any ideal. Any way you have a Great New Year and may God Bless. Out for now, Toby.
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Re: muck boots

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:58 am

EXTREMELY timely note...since I lost my boots (which were not worth a crap besides)...I've got my eye on a pair on Ebay for a little less than a hundred bucks!...I buy doesn't snow again this winter...betcha!
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Re: muck boots

Postby Dan Neely » Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:10 pm

Yeah, I can understand cold, wet and muddy feet. In the late 70's, I took a buddy of mine duck hunting just down the road from the house. The temp was about 6 deg and had been hanging between -5 and 12 for about 6 weeks. Needless to say there was no need for wadders. We set up on the ice and ducked into the tules on an island in a very large pond. I was somewhat used to the cold as I was working as a lineman for the local utility. Still, just standing on the frozen island while hoping for a flight from the north, I was dancing and stomping my feet trying to stay warm. My buddy, Bruce, was laughing at me and bragging about how toasty his tootsies were. He had purchessed a new pair of electric socks and was a happy camper. We had set up about 5:00am and I had been listening to him brag for about 5 hours. His smirk and chuckle were starting to wear on me. Suddenly, he threw his shotgun down in the tules and started hopping around on one foot screamming bloody murder while trying to rip of the boot of the other foot. Like you, I had already guessed that his sock had a short circuit. He finally got the boot off and was rubbing his foot on the ice while still cussing. Needless to say, I was doubled over with tears in my eyes. Yep, I'm sticking to muck boots. We had only a few misc ducks and I made him wait to fill out our limits. A nasty wind came up and the mallards came in at about 15 ft flying at around 5 mph. I had never seen anything like that before. We had plenty of ducks to clean that afternoon.

How did your hunt turn out? Any birds? Or did you guys just go for a walk? It would be fun take in a hunt with you one of these days.

About Bob, I haven't heard anything. I'll try and find out where he is and see about getting him connected. As for the reunions, I would very much like to go but I get a little anxious in the airports. The flying isn't so bad but the TSA and other goombaas get my meter up a few notches. I would really like to see you and the guys and can make it if I really set my mind to it. Have a great new year, Mick. Dan
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Re: muck boots

Postby Randy Smith » Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:38 am

Glad to hear you got some good boots Mick. I really just can't believe how something so thin and so light can keep your feet warm so well. It is like wearing toasty high top house slippers. But if you get them 2 sizes too big and wear heavy wool socks with them they are unbelievable.
Now Dan I won't tell you if we actually hunted ducks or just went for a walk because everyone that reads this would be trying to get my seat in the duck blind next year. I guess I could tell you about Monday or Wednesdays hunts but not Tuesdays because it would break your heart. Lets start with Monday when it took us 3 or 4 hours to limit out on our 50 ducks. Of course that took in the time that we burned up having breakfast and coffee and a red beer after breakfast. You see we drove to the levy and walked down the steps to the boat house, climbed into the boat and was driven down channels thru the standing corn to the blind. We parked in the boat garage and got out of the boat and walked into the kitchen(complete with electric lights, gas stove and refridgerator and heaters on each wall). Through the kitchen on either end was a doorway that led out to the firing line. It was like a long church pew with 2 shelves in front with gun ports cut into them to hold up your gun while you ate your breakfast off one of the shelves and loaded your gun from the box of shells on the other shelf. Out in front of the blind was about 1000 decoys, some with wings spinning, and a pump to keep the water from freezing. Anyway Wednesday took 5 hours to limit out. And if I told you that Tuesday legal shooting time was 7:00 a.m. and that we had ham and bacon and eggs and potatoes and scratch blueberry muffins and coffee and 1 red beer served to us on the firing line and limited out by 8:00 a.m. I know you wouldn't believe that anyway so why bother. But let me tell you that the boys in Missouri definately know how to duck hunt and have it down to a science.
Oh and Jim don't give too much on e-bay for those boots as new ones are only $119 at our Bass Pro Shop.
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Re: muck boots

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:30 am

I'm an eBay pro. Don't worry. I have my eye on them listed at $94 + $15 shipping...which beats any store price I could find.
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Re: muck boots

Postby Bob Bihari » Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:07 am

That's a duck blind ???

...I've stayed in worse hotels than that! :lol:
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Re: muck boots

Postby Randy Smith » Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:24 pm

OK Bob lets not get to confessing about some of the hotels we have stayed in. :P
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Re: muck boots

Postby harley hawkins » Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:42 pm

Bob hows things going? You need to come to a reunion . It would be just a short ride for you to Benning.
Randy. Have you got them pictures yet?
Carolyn and I are going to Fort Worth, Texas in Feb. then I turm around and go back to south Texas the next week hog hunting. Everyone is going this time Randy hopefuly we will have two open spots next year. It would be great to have you and Larry along.

Mick Hawkins
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