The Tenth of December

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The Tenth of December

Postby DickG » Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:04 am

Today takes me back to Truong Lam(1), a hamlet on the Bong Son Plain. I get there almost every day, but the visit is never as intense as on this day.
During my time with B Company, Ten December was our darkest tragedy, and for the survivors, it was B Company's finest hour.
For those of us who lived, the words "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends..." will ever have special meaning.
I invite you all to spend a silent moment giving thanks to those brave American soldiers who, forty-two years ago, sacrificed all they could so that the rest of us might live free.
Dick Guthrie
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Re: The Tenth of December

Postby Carolyn Herr » Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:46 pm

Just so you know, I thank you for your service and I am thankful for all those who died so that we may have our freedom (my husband was one of them). I pray for all of you who are still with us, for the families of those who are not, and for those serving today. Carolyn
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Re: The Tenth of December

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:56 pm

Those from our Battalion who were killed in action on December 10th, 1967:

Paul F. Branyan, Jr.
Bohdan Peter Brydun
Samuel Viel Bulloch, Jr.
William Peter Farrell
Barry Edward Feldman
Donald Louis Fleetwood
John Joseph Fullam, Jr.
Manuel Martinez Gonzales
Michael Robert Shapard
Drew Douglas Shipley
Walker Smith, Jr.
Melvin Dewayne Sodowsky
James Earl Wright
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